A Place For My Favorite Videos, Music, Movies, TV, Interviews And Things I Find Ridiculous (Past & Present)
Monday, 5 November 2012
Talk To Me!: Melanie C & Emma Bunton On "This Morning"
Sorry I haven't been around much to post lately, my lovely readers, I've just been uber busy with work and such. I just came across these video's and I wanted to add them quickly, because...well...y'know I love anything Spice Girls related.
Melanie C and Emma Bunton stopped by UK morning chat show "This Morning" to talk about the latest Spice Girls reunion performance at the Closing Ceremonies of the London Olypics, the upcoming premiere of their musical "Viva Forever", and above all, their brand new duet, featured on Melanie's latest LP "Stages", which they then performed.
Stages is available now and features 13 tracks from various musicals, including Maybe This Time from "Cabaret", I Don't Know How To Love Him from "Jesus Christ Superstar" (which Melanie is currently working in), Tell Me It's Not True from "Blood Brothers" (which Mel starred in in 2009), and of course the classic "Chess" duet featured above, I Know Him So Well.
Enjoy this little Spice of Life!
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Turn It Up!: Janina Gavankar - Waiting For Godot (Music Video)
I'm sure I'll just have to replace this video when she finally decides to add it to her Youtube page (because the embedding codes for these versions of video's never last that long), but I'm too excited to wait for that to happen because I'm madly in love with this song. Thank you Jordanna for letting me know it existed.
Janina Gavankar is an actress (The L Word and True Blood being among her credits) and has been slowly entering the realm of music for about a year now, first with her startlingly original cover of Kanye West's "Love Lockdown", and now with the release of the music video for her own single "Waiting For Godot".
The title of her first single comes from the Samuel Beckett play, in which two strangers are waiting for an acquaintance of theirs named Godot, whom neither of them has seen in person and the entire play is spent with these two characters doing and talking about everything to stave off the silence. Janina admits that in her musical interpretation, Godot equals love, and thusly, the two characters in her video (which are meant to portray dual personalities within herself) display their opposite reactions to this situation.
According to a recent Billboard Magazine interview, Janina has admitted that the entire video (produced by herself and directed by her friend Caitlin Pashalek) was shot in one day.
"We moved really quick. It was a very ambitious shoot, to say the least. We shot it like it was a scene."
"One stake we set in the ground from the get-go with this was this it wasn't going to be a 'regular music video.' I don't give a shit about following any sort of norms. I don't really care if people think I'm hot. I really set out to make something beautiful that had a strong narrative."
Mission Accomplished I'd say! Enjoy!
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Turn It Up!: Lisa Lougheed - World Love (Music Video)
I'm slightly perturbed right now, because I had planned to add Lisa Lougheed's video for her single "Love Vibe", which was an Ah-Mah-Zing song released back in 1992, but the up loader of the video on youtube has made embedding disabled, so... shit out of luck.
The next best thing, is the first single and title track from her second album "World Love" (1992).
Born in Etobicoke, Ontario, Lisa was a Canadian dance pop artist back in the early 90's (during the time when Alanis Morissette was still our little bubble gum pop princess) who originally came to prevalence as a voice actor for a popular Canadian cartoon show called "The Raccoons". Lol, that's Canada for you! Lisa voiced the character of, go figure, Lisa Raccoon and performed many of the cartoon's musical numbers, including the shows theme song "Run With Us" which was later recorded in full and released as her first official single from her album "Evergreen Nights", which was essentially a Soundtrack for the show.
After the success of the Run With Us single (which was nominated for a Juno Award), Lisa focused her sights on a music career and released the album World Love. The first two singles from this album (World Love and Love Vibe) were each nominated for Juno Awards in the category of Best Dance Recording.
After her third album, 1993's "Peace + Harmony", Lisa pretty much bowed out of the spotlight. The last time I saw her was when she was a backing vocalist for Oprah Winfrey, when she sang her own theme song "Run On" for the 13th season of her talk show and recorded a music video in which Lisa was featured.
According to Wikipedia (reliable, I know), she's now married with a son and resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
I don't need to explain away the song above, she says it all, "World Love not World War!" However, I'm adding a link to the Love Vibe video...think they can stop me, do they? Click Here!
Enjoy each!
Friday, 26 October 2012
Liven It Up!: Dinah Washington - Send Me To The Electric Chair
"I don't want no sympathy, cuz I just cut my good man's throat!"
One of the greatest songs about killing your husband ever performed, brought to you by the one and only, Miss Dinah Washington.
I could give a whole bio about Dinah, but the song is simply too good for a lot of chatter.
Watch and Love!
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Talk To Me: Geri: The Documentary (Geri Halliwell & Molly Dineen)
Oooh this is fun! I remember vividly watching this when it first aired. I was (and still am a bit) obsessed with the Spice Girls and was a tad gutted when Geri decided to leave the group in 1998 because it was only a couple of months before I was to see them in concert for the first time on the Spiceworld Tour. But I was also excited because it meant extra spice style music in the form of a solo career from her.
The first solo project that Geri worked on was the 90 minute Documentary seen above, simply called "Geri" with famed british documentarian, Molly Dineen, which chronicled her life immediately after her departure from the group and over the following months when she would make the transition into a solo artist and UN Goodwill Ambassador.
Really good viewing if you have 90 minutes to spare!
Turn It Up: Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last (Music Video)
It doesn't matter how many times I hear this song, I still think it's absolute perfection. This is definitely Vanessa's signature song and it has stood the test of time gracefully.
A gorgeous song about an unrequited love that soon finds it's day, Save The Best For Last was the 3rd single from Vanessa's second studio album "The Comfort Zone" (1991) and was number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for 5 straight weeks. Not bad for a song that was a last minute addition. During the recording of the album, one of the songs had to be replaced for the final cut. Save The Best For Last had been passed around to several artists, none of whom had snatched it up, but as soon as Williams heard it, she was reportedly enamoured with it, stating "I can't believe nobody wants this song. I have to have this song."
On top of the Charting accolades, this song was also nominated for several awards at the 1993 Grammy's, including "Song Of The Year" and "Record Of The Year", but lost out to Eric Clapton's "Tears In Heaven".
Evidently, there are two videos for this song, but this is the only version I have ever seen, with Vanessa looking gorgeous on many winter themed soundstages. Miss America Supermodel Realness! Eat it!
Turn It Up: Toni Braxton - Breathe Again (Music Video)
I'm in the mood for a little 90's R&B at the moment, so I'm adding a classic from the sultry Toni Braxton. Some people might expect me to add Unbreak My Heart or something equally as popular, but I've always loved this song from her self titled debut album (1993), and I had never seen the music video (directed by Randee St. Nicholas) until I looked it up just now, and of course she looks ravishing in it.
Breathe Again was the second single from her first album and peaked on the billboard charts at #3. It was also this song that earned Toni her second consecutive Grammy Award for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance.
A beautiful lament about a love that's run it's course. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Liven It Up: Madonna - Rain/Just My Imagination (The Girlie Show 1993)
I'm quickly adding this live video from Madonna's 1993 Girlie Show Tour before I go to bed, because today was the 20th anniversary of the release of Madonna's Erotica album, which is one of my favorite albums of hers (if not my favorite).
Rain was the 4th single from Erotica and holds a place in my top 10 list of favorite Madonna songs! The version she did for the Girlie Show had such simplistic staging that it stood out from the rest of the show, and the vocal trinity of Madonna and her two back up singers Niki Haris and Donna De Lory has never sounded better in a live situation than this. Also, I love the addition of the The Temptation's "Just My Imagination" in the bridge of the song, and the Singing in the Rain inspired choreography displayed by her dancers (one of whom is dressed as a Pierrot) that rounds out the piece.
Just Heavenly!
Picture This: Alanis Morissette @ Sound Academy (Concert Review)
It's taken me almost a week to write this review because on the very day of the concert I was beginning to come down with a cold and the day after I was in full on gross mode, but the concert (in some respects) was worth going to rather than resting instead.
So, here we go. Alanis Morissette performed at Sound Academy this past Monday October 15th and the first thing that came to me was... what an odd place for such a big name to perform. Alanis is undoubtedly one of Canada's biggest names and one of it's most popular exports in the world of music and yet she was playing at a standing room only club that can fit 2,000 people, for an all ages audience (meaning kids as young as 10 were there), most of whom, if they weren't in the first few rows of people like I was, probably couldn't see a thing. I thought a theatre like Massey Hall or The Sony Centre would have been a better choice of venue to accommodate her fans, but...whatever. Needless to say, if you didn't show up to freeze your ass off waiting in line to get into the venue 2 hours before the doors opened (again, like I did), you were pretty much screwed in the view department.
So, the doors opened at 6:30 and we stood around waiting for the show to begin for an hour and a half while the club owners played a mix of ambient electronica music and classic 80's pop hits like "Kiss" by Prince. Then, at 8:00, the show began with the arrival on stage of Alanis' husband, white Rapper and freestyle artist, Mario "MC Souleye" Treadway". Now, I have to admit, I knew nothing about the man prior to this performance. I had seen pictures of him in magazines and only heard his skill set on the two Alanis songs he appears on for her new album "Guru" and "Jekyll & Hyde", but with that said, I was intrigued as to how he would present himself. When he walked out in a blue track star jacket, a pair of light grey jeans and white sneakers...I gotta say, I was a little worried. He did come off a bit like a cute version of Vanilla Ice, except with a lot more talent. He was very impressive with his freestyle abilities and his spritely footwork, but when he spoke (which wasn't often) I caught a faint trace of a wigga accent. Oh no, Alanis why???? When he finally removed the track suit jacket, I was able to focus on him a bit more and saw that, he was in fact, as cute as a bugs ear. The one thing I found strange about his overall set was, his first song was a song that featured Alanis' voice on the chorus, but rather than having her come out and share the stage with him, he instead had her voice on the backing track that his MC friend was playing. Weird, huh?!?!
Anyway, at 9:30 the lights turned off, the band entered the stage and then proceeded to perform an angelic and extended intro to the song I Remain from The Prince Of Persia Soundtrack with Alanis' voice ringing over the speakers, softly and sweetly singing the opening verse and chorus of the song from off stage. The band then did a complete 180, abandoning the zen like chords of I Remain for the electro pop funkiness of Woman Down from the new album Havoc and Bright Lights to which Alanis sauntered on stage to in an embroidered black tank top, deep grey form fitting leggings, black patent leather motorcycle ankle boots and a string of thin gold chains around her neck that were often covered by her most famous asset, her free flowing mid section length brunette locks, which she would toss about, whip and thrash around throughout the next hour and 30 minutes (much to the crowds, and my, delight).
After Woman Down, she picked up her now infamous tuneless harmonica and wailed away to the alternative sounds of Jagged Little Pills opening track "All I Really Want", followed by the soaring frivolity of You Learn, the first of many songs she would perform from this iconic album which has thus far sold 33 million copies worldwide. The rest of the night would pretty much go on in this manner, often times picking up numerous bedazzled guitars, and playing songs exclusively from Jagged and Havoc, with very little attention payed to her other 5 albums.
Which leads me to the aspect of the show that didn't thrill me as much, an aspect which has bothered me the past 3 times I have seen this amazing woman in concert, her decision to focus 90% of the show to the songs from Jagged Little Pill. Don't get me wrong, I love the songs from JLP, I love them angry and rockin and soft and acoustic, but the purpose of a concert tour is to promote the new album you have out and give the audience a bit of a taste of your past recordings to keep the die hards happy. By the end of this particular show the running tally of songs from each album was as follows,
Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie (2 Songs)
Under Rug Swept (1 Song)Feast On Scraps (0 Songs)
So-Called Chaos (0 Songs)
Flavors of Entanglement (0 Songs)
Havoc & Bright Lights (6 Songs)
Soundtracks Etc. (2 Songs)
Now, I don't want to complain or act like I didn't have a good time, because believe me, I was rockin out to every song, singing along and snapping pictures like I was Mario Testino. She was in amazing voice and she even did an acoustic set for her first encore that had me gagging it was so good. However, each time she opened her mouth and started performing a song from Jagged, I secretly wished it was a song from another album. Keep in mind, I've seen her 8 times in concert, so I've heard every song from JLP in every possible way she could perform them and thusly, I just wanted a change of pace. When she announced she had a special surprise for the audience during the encore acoustic set "A song we haven't performed yet on this tour" I was expecting a b-side with Souleye or one of the many usually ignored tracks from one of her other albums.... and then she played "Not The Doctor". I mean, really!
Anyway, as I said, despite this fact, the show was amazing in every way. The performances of Havoc (in which she began to tear up while singing) and Uninvited in particular were simply breathtaking, and though I was nearly crushed to death during the surge of people trying to get a copy of the set list, a guitar pick or a drum stick that her band mates were tossing out to people after the final song (Thank U), I would naturally go see her for a 9th time.
Woman Down
All I Really Want
You Learn
Right Through You
So Pure
Head Over Feet
I Remain Part 2Uninvited
You Oughta Know
Encore: Acoustic Set
Not The Doctor
So Unsexy
Hand In My Pocket
Encore 2
Thank U
In summation, if you get the chance to see Alanis live in your city and you happen to be sick on show day.... go anyway! You'll forget about your ailments for a few hours and be a more enlightened individual at the end of the day (okay, I can't really promise that last part). I'm off to listen to the new album. Byeeee!
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Liven It Up!: Melissa Etheridge - Scarecrow (Live @ Equality Rocks)
"Rising Above, All In The Name Of Love!"
Yesterday was the 14th anniversary of the tragic death of Matthew Shepard and this song and his story still give me chills.
I can't even imagine people not being aware of Matthew's story, but for those of you who are maybe too young to have heard about it or are simply outside of North America, Matthew was a 22 year old University of Wyoming student who was brutally beaten, tied to a fence and left for dead in the outskirts of Laramie Wyoming in 1998. Matthew died 6 days after the attack succumbing to injuries sustained. The two young men who robbed and beat Matthew to death pleaded "Gay Panic" during the murder trial against them, claiming that Matthew had made passes at them that evening and they decided to teach him a lesson. Justice was found for Matthew, when the two perpetrators were found guilty of their crimes, and born out of the tragedy was a new kind of education about Hate Crimes Legislation that had not been part of federal law in the US before this. With the help of Matthew's Mother, Judy Shepard and her organisation "The Matthew Shepard Foundation", an amendment was finally made to US Hate Crimes Laws to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
If you want to learn more about Matthew Shepard or the work his Mother Judy has done on behalf of the LGBTQIA Community in the wake of her Son's death, I recommend you read the book "The Meaning Of Matthew: My Son's Murder in Laramie, and a World Transformed" By Judy Shepard (an amazingly gut wrenching read) or watch the HBO film version of Moises Kaufman's incredible play "The Laramie Project".
Finally, as for this song, Melissa wrote the song "Scarecrow" (so named because the young man who discovered Matthew's body unconscious against the fence mistook him for a scarecrow upon first notice) for her 1999 album "Breakthrough" and it is, to me, one of the most beautiful musical tribute's to Matthew ever written. She performed it soon after the albums release at the above benefit for gay rights and was visibly and vocally moved to tears during the performance. The song is perfect, one of the few songs that can make me cry every time I hear it. I'm adding the lyrics to the song as well, so you can all truly feel it's message.
Showers of your crimson blood
Seep into a nation calling up a flood
Of narrow minds who legislate
Thinly veiled intolerance
Bigotry and hate
But they tortured and burned you
They beat you and they tied you
They left you cold and breathing
For love they crucified you
I can't forget hard as I try
This silhouette against the sky
Scarecrow crying
Waiting to die wondering why
Scarecrow trying
Angels will hold carry your soul away
This was our brother
This was our son
This shepard young and mild
This unassuming one
We all gasp this can't happen here
We're all much too civilized
Where can these monsters hide
But they are knocking on our front door
They're rocking in our cradles
They're preaching in our churches
And eating at our tables
I can't forget hard as I try
This silhouette against the sky
Scarecrow crying
Waiting to die wondering why
Scarecrow trying
Angels will hold carry your soul away
I search my soul
My heart and in my mind
To try and find forgiveness
This is someone child
With pain unreconciled
Filled up with father's hate
Mother's neglect
I can forgive
But I will not forget
Scarecrow crying
Waiting to die wondering why
Scarecrow trying
Rising above all in the name of love
Longest post ever!!!!!!
Turn It Up!: Kyla La Grange - Walk Through Walls (Music Video)
Kyla La Grange is one of my newest infatuations. I've listened to her debut album "Ashes" about 4 times this week and this music video (as well as her others) contains such delicious imagery.
There's not a whole lot of info I can give you on Kyla other than the fact that she is originally from Watford, London and has South African and Zimbabwean ancestry. Do you really need any more info about her? I don't! I think her music speaks for itself. It's a bit of a blend of electronic, acoustic, tribal, and folk music rolled into one ridiculously great concoction.
Give her a try!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Rest In Peace Sahara Davenport!
Had to add this video as a loving tribute to the multi-talented (and fierce) drag performer Sahara Davenport (born Antoine Ashley) who tragically passed away on October 1st from heart failure at the very young age of 27.
Sahara was one of the queens featured on the second season of RuPaul's Drag Race, and one that I fell in love with, not necessarily for her style (although there were a few outfits that were incredibly cute) but more for her kind hearted attitude and sickening performance skills.
She seemed to be a shy sort of person until it came time to perform a lip-sync number (like the one above) or imitate Whitney Houston in The Snatch Game. Then the bitch would just TURN IT OUT!!!! Rivalled only with Jujubee's lip-sync of Black Velvet by Alana Myles (which coincidentally sent Sahara home) the performance above was the greatest lip-sync for your life during that season. Look at the girl go, En Pointe no less!
The speech that RuPaul gives before the song starts seems to have taken on new meaning since Monday. I only hope her family and loved ones (including her partner fellow drag entertainer, and RuPauls Drag Race contestant, Manila Luzon) can take comfort in knowing that their angel is now ki-ki-ing it up in heaven!
In the immortal words of Miss Davenport, Live, Love and Believe!
Turn It Up!: A Fine Frenzy - Almost Lover (Music Video)
I sort of don't even want to write anything about this song, because it's just so beautiful I think it can stand on it's own. I've been listening to A Fine Frenzy's album "One Cell In The Sea" (2007) on and off today, and the images in this song, if you've ever had your heart broken, will bring you right back to that moment. The feeling of failure and (sometimes) stupidity that follows the end of a relationship that you believed was destined for success. It's torturous nature! We've all been there, or will be unless you're very lucky.
That's all I'll say. I know the blog is usually happy go lucky, but I think a somber note every once in awhile never hurt anyone.
For the record, my heart is not broken at the moment and my boyfriend and I are doing well. I just love music that expresses emotional peaks and valleys so flawlessly.
Friday, 28 September 2012
Turn It Up!: Kylie Minogue - Flower (Music Video)
I'm so happy about this! Kylie debuted this gorgeous ballad during her 2008 "X" Tour and I have only had a live version to call my own until now. As with the "Timebomb" single, the release of "Flower" is part of the K25 year long celebration, marking Kylie's 25 years in the music business.
The single is to promote the release of her new album "The Abbey Road Sessions", a collection that features 16 of her past hits which were radically reworked (some orchestrated) at Abbey Road Studio's in London earlier this year. The album, which will be officially released on October 24th, will host new versions of the following songs,
1) All The Lovers
2) On A Night Like This
3) Better The Devil You Know
4) Hand On Your Heart
5) I Believe In You
6) Come Into My World
7) Finer Feelings
8) Confide In Me
9) Slow
10) The Loco-Motion
11) Can't Get You Out Of My Head
12) Where The Wild Roses Grow (feat. Nick Cave)
13) Flower
14) I Should Be So Lucky
15) Love At First Sight
16) Never Too Late
Kylie is also working on her 12th full-length studio album which is rumoured to be released sometime next year. Many treats in store from Miss Minogue, until the next, everybody enjoy this song and download the single from iTunes.
The single is to promote the release of her new album "The Abbey Road Sessions", a collection that features 16 of her past hits which were radically reworked (some orchestrated) at Abbey Road Studio's in London earlier this year. The album, which will be officially released on October 24th, will host new versions of the following songs,
1) All The Lovers
2) On A Night Like This
3) Better The Devil You Know
4) Hand On Your Heart
5) I Believe In You
6) Come Into My World
7) Finer Feelings
8) Confide In Me
9) Slow
10) The Loco-Motion
11) Can't Get You Out Of My Head
12) Where The Wild Roses Grow (feat. Nick Cave)
13) Flower
14) I Should Be So Lucky
15) Love At First Sight
16) Never Too Late
Kylie is also working on her 12th full-length studio album which is rumoured to be released sometime next year. Many treats in store from Miss Minogue, until the next, everybody enjoy this song and download the single from iTunes.
Turn It Up!: Christina Aguilera - Your Body (Music Video)
HELLO MY LOVELIES!!!!! I'm Back from my 2 week holiday and I had a great time full of sun, surf and, of course, some amazing tunage!!!!!
Let's kick my return off by adding the brand new video from Miss Christina Aguilera!!! This was one of the staple songs on the radio while I was on my trip and I have to say I am loving it HARD! This is the first release from X-tina's upcoming new album "Lotus" which is scheduled for release on November 13th this year.
Lotus is the first release since 2010's "Bionic", but it feels like it's been longer than that since she practically did no promotion for that album. Compared to her previous releases, "Bionic" was a flop for her, a fact that very much confuses me because I really did think that was a brilliant album, a little juvenile sounding in parts but overall, well done. However, with a confusing Madonna inspired video for the first single, little promotion for the album due to commitments to her film "Burlesque" and judging duties on "The Voice" and a cancelled tour for the project, any existence of that album just fizzled away.
It looks and sounds like she's back in full swing with this cheeky, tongue-in-cheek, sex vixen video, once again taking on masculine society with her own brand of Girl Power!
On top of the video, I'm also adding this short interview clip of X-Tina talking about the video and working on "Lotus". I'm so excited that she's been working with Sia again. Love their collaborations!!! Werk!!!!!
PS. Be sure to keep up with her on the new season of The Voice which began it's 3rd season two weeks ago.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Turn It Up!: Janet Jackson - Runaway (Music Video)
Last post for two weeks, no story, just enjoy this classic Janet song from her first greatest hits compilation "Design Of A Decade" (1995).
I love it, hope you do too.
See you in 2 weeks! xoxo
Of course I have a bonus for you. The making of the video documentary!
Turn It Up!: The Party - Summer Vacation (Music Video)
I wanted to add 2 very quick music posts today, as tomorrow, I am off for two weeks to Myrtle Beach, SC for my "Summer (but really Fall) Vacation", and I won't have a chance to post until I get back.
I've wanted to do a post about The Party for awhile, and what better time than now when the song choice is so perfect lol. For those of you who know nothing about The Party, it was a Pop act formed in the 90's by The Disney Channel, and was made up of members Albert Fields, Deedee Magno, Chase Hampton, Tiffini Hale and Damon Pampolina who were each members of "The All New Mickey Mouse Club". The group released 4 mildly successful albums, the most successful being their self titled debut album (1990). They officially disbanded in 1993 prior to the release of their 4th album "The Party's Over...Thanks For Coming" (1994) and each member has remained in the entertainment industry, with the exception of Tiffini Hale who has remained out of the public eye.
Albert Fields released a solo album under the name "Jeune", which is half of his middle name, and continues to record on the indie circuit, most recently teaming up with Damon Pampolina to form a Hip Hop Duo called "NDecent Proposal". Chase (Chasen) Hampton was part of the indie band "Buzzfly" and now writes and records under his own name. His most recent release was an EP entitled "Drugstore Girls" (2010). Damon Pampolina (as mentioned above) recorded with Albert Fields under the moniker "NDecent Proposal" and also runs an entertainment company called PRP Entertainment with his father. Deedee Magno went the route of musical theatre, appearing in the role of Kim in "Miss Saigon" on Broadway and NessaRose in the first travelling tour of the musical "Wicked". She's married to musical performer Cliffton Hall, who co-starred with her in both of these shows and she is rumoured to be working on her first solo album. Fun Fact: She was also one of the students in the film "Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit". Her character was unnamed, but she delivered one line in the film, "Well Y'all, There might be some all Boy choirs at this competition!"
As a Bonus, let's take a look at her in action, performing a song she recorded in the 90's called "I Would Be So Pleased" for a travelling cabaret style show called Ryan O'Connor Eats His Feelings. You can download this song off i-Tunes.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Liven It Up!: The Saturdays - Chasing Lights (Acoustic)
Just felt like adding a little somethin' somethin' by The Saturdays because I was listening to them quite a bit today.
The British/Irish Pop Group consists of members Mollie King, Frankie Sandford, Rochelle Humes, Una Healy and Vanessa White, and have (to date) released 3 studio albums, their most successful being their platinum selling debut album "Chasing Lights" (2008). Naturally, the track above hails from that record, and though the album version is wonderful, there's something about the acoustic version that I find so special.
Hope you enjoy it!
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Talk To Me!: Natalie Portman on Letterman (2004)
"I have no friends, but I got a dog!"
The adorable Natalie Portman's visit to the David Letterman Show in 2004 to promote the movie "Garden State". They talk about her college degree (from Harvard), the 2004 election between George Bush and John Kerry, and her unbelievably cute dog named Charlie (I also have a dog named Charlie, which just makes me that much closer to Natalie Portman, we're practically best friends lol).
Such a fun video!
Turn It Up!: Tiffany - Here In My Heart (Music Video)
It's taken me 108 posts to get to her (for some unexplained reason), but I'm finally posting a Tiffany video! When I typed her name into the youtube search engine, all of these other artists that go by the name of Tiffany came up. It pissed me off a bit because really, there's only 1 TIFFANY!!!!!!
Anyway, once I found a collection of fantastic video's, old and new, by this one time 80's pop sensation, I then had to pick which video I wanted to add. Should I go with a classic or a more recent song? Should I go with a ballad or an uptempo song? I ultimately decided to go with the classic ballad "Here In My Heart" because for one thing the images in the video are very Autumnal, and Autumn (whether we like it or not) is upon us. Secondly, although it's not my absolute favourite song of hers, I think the range in her voice is quite stellar on this track, and the rasp in her voice gives a certain urgency and passion to the lyrics. "Here In My Heart" was the predominate single from Tiffany's third studio album "New Inside" (1990), and though the song (written by Diane Warren) was originally dedicated to AIDS victim and teenage advocate, Ryan White, it was later rededicated to the Troops serving in the Gulf War.
I'm sure I'll add a more recent track of Tiff's in the near future, because I'd like to showcase just how much better she has gotten as a vocalist and artist throughout the years. In the 80's, she was kind of written off because she was young, she did the now infamous Mall tour, and she didn't write her own music. Now that all of that has changed and she is writing (what I think) is the greatest music of her career, she's still thought of in that light, which I find unfair.
Keep on doing your thing Tiffany, I'm still listening!!!!!
Turn It Up!: Esthero - Never Gonna Let You Go (Music Video)
The new single from Canadian Singer/Songwriter Esthero is finally here. This is the first new solo music from her in 7 years and is from her 3rd studio album which is to be released on October 30 (my Nephew's Birthday), entitled "Everything Is Expensive"!
I love this video so much, I think it's absolutely hilarious and that little girl is sooooo Cute! Now, regarding the album, the release date is set but there has been no word (that I can find at least) on an official track listing but I know there is a song called "Over", because it is available for free download on her official website, and Wikipedia states that confirmed tracks for the album are...
Black Mermaid (which I am thrilled about because this is my favourite song of hers, but has only been a rare track until now)
Everything Is Expensive
Never Gonna Let You Go
You Don't Get A Song
But you know how reliable Wikipedia is! [|:~> -#
If you like what you hear above and want to download a copy of the track "Over" (as well as sign up for her newsletters) head on over to her Official Website and follow the instructions.
Picture This: Emma Bunton - Easy Living Photo Shoot
I don't know why, but when I saw these pictures of Emma "Baby Spice" Bunton from the upcoming October issue of Easy Life Magazine, I thought she looked so beautiful that I wanted to share them with my readers.
Emma was nowhere near my favorite Spice Girl when the group was together (Sorry Emma), but when they broke up and all the girls went solo, she somehow managed to work her way up near the top for me. I thought her solo material suited her voice so much more than any of the Spice catalogue and the image she came to form for herself away from the Baby Spice Caricature was a lot more playful and convincing.
Hasn't she grown up to be such a lovely woman? #LadySpice I hope she makes another solo record, I love her sound! However we can catch her new duet with Melanie C on her new solo album "Stages", out today!
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Talk To Me!: Tammy Faye Bakker Interviews Steve Pieters (1985)
Okay, it may seem absurd to some people that I am adding this 3 part interview to my blog, but I'm doing so because I just watched a fascinating documentary about Tammy Faye Bakker (Messner) this morning called "The Eyes Of Tammy Faye" and became enamoured with her story and the kind of woman she was.
I have to say that I wasn't really familiar with Tammy Faye's story before watching that documentary. She was always just this kooky, heavily painted lady that I remember seeing on tv occasionally as a child (and in the immortal words of Sharon Needles, "I didn't know she was selling me Christianity, I thought she was selling me makeup.") But now that I know about her personal struggles and the kind of inclusive and compassionate work she did as a televangelist, I have to say that I'm a fan. (Just as a sidenote: I'm not a Christian in any way, shape or form, but I do have respect for anyone, religious or otherwise, who simply believes in being a good person).
So, after the documentary, I naturally went on youtube to watch even more moments throughout her life (listening to her singing, watching various interviews and looking at many tribute video's) but the above interview struck me the most because (as the disclaimer says at the beginning) it was quite groundbreaking. For a televangelist to sit down for a 30 minute interview with an openly gay pastor who was living with AIDS in 1985, during the early days and the pandemonium of the AIDS epidemic, and not pass judgement, but rather, show compassion and empathy and support.... that is a rare person indeed. I believe she was not only the epitomy of the term "Good Christian Woman" but also simply a Humanist!
Naturally she asks Steve a few questions that in this day and age may seem embarassing or cliche, but remember, this was 1985, everybody was asking and wanting straightforward answers to these questions at that time.
Tammy Faye passed away in 2007 after an 11 year battle with cancer, but her son Jay Bakker continues to spread his mothers message of love and acceptance of all people within the Church.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Turn It Up!: Donna De Lory - Sky Is Open (Music Video)
I don't know if I can quite put into words my love for Donna De Lory's music, but I'll try. We all have days where the stresses of daily life can get to us a bit too much, we run ourselves ragged to the point where we just can't cope another second. But, whenever I happen to have one of those overly stressful days, I find that if I listen to Donna's music it makes me feel better. There is something in her voice that manages to soothe my soul. I'm sure the fact that she chooses to keep her sound in the realm of middle eastern chords helps a little as well, that sound scape is instantly meditative to begin with, but I think that if her voice weren't as luscious and honeyed as it is, then it wouldn't have the same effect.
I'm quite pleased that she has progressed so beautifully as an artist in her own right. She has gone from budding pop dance starlet (with her debut self-titled album "Donna De Lory (1993)) to what I like to call the Queen of the Mantra's (with her most recent (and second) Sanskrit and English fusion album Sanctuary (2008)).
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Donna De Lory, Madonna, Niki Haris - The Girlie Show Tour (1993) |
I know we all loved her whenever she was supporting Madonna during her world tours and providing backing vocals to many of the Queen's biggest hits, but I have to say, when I was given the opportunity to see Donna perform live during the resurgence of Lilith Fair in 2010 at Molson Amphitheatre, I was pleased to see a much simpler, more laid back setting. I knew she could sing and dance her ass off beside the biggest name in music, but to have a more intimate performance was just dreamy.
Sky Is Open is the title song from Donna's 5th studio album (2006), which you should all check out!
Turn It Up!: Emmy Rossum - Slow Me Down (Music Video)
Thanks (again) to my friend Jordanna for helping me reach the decision that this song should definitely be the next post on this site.
I loves me some Emmy Rossum! As with many people, she first came to my full attention when she starred in the role of Christine Daaé in the film adaptation of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical "The Phantom Of The Opera" in 2004. I had previously seen her in the films "Mystic River" and "The Day After Tomorrow", but I guess it took me hearing her beautiful singing voice to fall in love with her.
I fully respect her, not only for her supreme talent and delightful sense of humour, but because of the fact, that after her success in Phantom, she was offered many deals to record a classical music album (which of course, could have been huge given the timing), but she turned them all down, opting instead to follow her heart and record an album of new age ambient pop music (a la Imogen Heap). The result was her debut album titled "Inside Out" (2007), which is (to me) an absolute hidden gem in the world of music. Her layered vocals, and deeply resonant lyrics are such a treat for the ear that I would probably list it in my top 15 best debut albums by a new artist in the past 10 years. I hope that she will someday make a follow up album!
Until that day arrives, I am absolutely loving her in the role of Fiona Gallagher in the HBO series "Shameless" alongside William H. Macy (who is divine in his own right). Long may this show reign, such an amazing cast.
Don't think that I don't have another treat up my sleeve. Here is an adorable clip of Emmy singing opera for a hot dog on Conan O'Brien's talk show. So Funny!
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Turn It Up!: Roxette - The Look (Music Video)
This Thursday, my best friend and I are going to see the amazing Roxette in concert, with special Guest Opening Act, "Glass Tiger" (Oooh, my sister loved them when she was in High School lol)!
It will be our first time seeing Roxette in concert (the Swedish Duo, Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle, have not embarked on a full on World Tour since 1995) and to mark the occasion, I have added the music video for their single "The Look" which was released in 1989 and was the third single from their second studio album "Look Sharp" (1988). This track is well known to be Roxette's "Breakthrough" song as they had only been a success in their Native Sweden and surrounding parts of Europe until its release, and became their first ever #1 hit on the US Billboard Charts.
It's still one of my favourite tracks by them and it will be so exciting to hear it live after all these years.
Hope you love it as much as I do.
(PS. When I was a kid, I constantly got Marie Fredriksson and Susan Powter mixed up. Yes, mainly because of the hair! Embarrassing But True!)
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Turn It Up!: Debbie Gibson - Lost In Your Eyes (Music Video)
How I got to 101 posts without a single mention of Debbie Gibson is beyond me!
I loves me some Debbie Gibson! She was one of my all-time favourite singers when I was a kid and well into my teen years. I still remember my older brother getting her "Out Of The Blue" album for (I think it was) his 8th Birthday and I became obsessed with the song "Only In My Dreams". In fact, in much of the way that Wilson Phillips' "Release Me" was a song of the summer during our annual summer holidays to Myrtle Beach, "Only In My Dreams" was another song that I would yell for my parents to turn up when it came on the radio during the long car ride.
As I got older and my love of theatre and Broadway musicals started to kick in, Debbie (who had now taken on her given name, Deborah) was the perfect artist for me to emulate because she blended the world of Pop and Broadway together, starring in multiple Musicals like "Grease", "Beauty & The Beast", "Funny Girl", "Cabaret", and "Joseph & The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat" (which is where this ultimate fan boy finally met his longtime idol).
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Remember This?!?! It's Electric!!! |
As an amazing gift for my Christmas 2 years ago, my best friend Dean even found me a bottle of her infamous "Electric Youth" Perfume on E-Bay. That's how deep my love is for all things Debbie! Now I can smell like the 80's whenever I want. Love It!
Though my top 2 favourite albums by her are "Think With Your Heart" (1995), & "Deborah" (1997), I decided to add the video for the "Electric Youth" track "Lost In Your Eyes" because I really do think it is one of her most iconic tracks and one that has truly stood the test of time. The one thing I don't like about the video are the scenes where she has the curly permed hair. She looks like Jodie Sweetin from Full House. (Stephanie Tanner Realness!)
"Lost In Your Eyes" was the first single from "Electric Youth" (1989), and was Number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Charts for three straight weeks.
Do you not still love this song? For a 17 year old girl to write, produce and perform a song like this... You have to admit, that's mighty impressive!
Enjoy Gang!
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Turn It Up!: Aaliyah - The One I Gave My Heart To (Music Video)
I'm adding this video in tribute to the lovely and talented Aaliyah, who, on this day 11 years ago, died in a horrific plane crash following the video shoot for her single "Rock The Boat" in the Bahamas. She was 22 when she died!
Born Aaliyah Dana Haughton, the Brooklyn, New York native got an early start on her music career, appearing on the talent show Star Search at the age of 9. By the age of 12, she had been signed to a major record label and began work on her debut album, Age Ain't Nothing But A Number which was released in 1994.
After the success of her debut, and a very tumultuous relationship with her mentor and co-collaborator R. Kelly, Aaliyah chose to leave her then record company Jive Records and signed a new deal with Atlantic Records, where she teamed up with the producers that helped to make her a household name, Timbaland and Missy Elliott. Aaliyah's image matured a bit more during this time, replacing the "Street But Sweet" image for a more sultry, "Classy but Sexy" (as she described it) one, which I think fit her vocal style so much better.
Her following 2 albums "One In A Million" (1996) and "Aaliyah" (2001), garnered the hits, "If Your Girl Only Knew", "4 Page Letter", "We Need A Resolution" and "More Than A Woman", and with tracks featured on soundtracks for films like "Doctor Dolittle", "Anastacia" and "Romeo Must Die" (which she also starred in), she became known as the reigning "Princess of R&B" and was listed at number 10 of the most successful female R&B artists of the past 25 years.
Her work on film included the action flick "Romeo Must Die", which she co-starred in with Martial Arts Superstar, Jet Li, and the Anne Rice vampire flick "Queen Of The Damned" to which she played the title role opposite actor Stuart Townsend.
This is one of my favorite songs (of many) that she recorded because it showcased the strength and sultryness of her voice.
So, to wrap it all up, I'd like to say Bless You Aaliyah, Rest In Peace and sing out with those angels up there in heaven!!!!
Friday, 24 August 2012
Turn It Up!: Martika - Love...Thy Will Be Done (Music Video) 100th Post!
Yayyyyy This is my 100th post on this blog and I knew that I would dedicate it to the fabulous Martika weeks before I arrived at this landmark! My original plan was to hold off until the release of her new music video for her second single from "The Mirror Ball", SloMoTion, but I got too excited waiting for it and I just had to write.
So, here we are. I asked my two friends Jordanna and Kamille (fellow members of Martika's Toy Soldier Army) to help me decide which video of hers to post out of three choices: More Than You Know, Water, or Love...Thy Will Be Done. They narrowed it down to two, and the final decision was mine. (Thank you Ladies!)
I've chosen the Prince produced "Love...Thy Will Be Done", (which was the first single from Martika's second album "Martika's Kitchen" (1991)) because it's probably one of the most beautifully crafted songs about love, faith and spirituality to ever come out of a 20 year old pop star. The simple yet magical instrumentation mixed with her vulnerable and (at times) wildly tumultuous vocals, captivates the listener and allows for a peaceful and uplifting musical experience.
Plus, the video is sickeningly gorgeous, wonderfully directed by Michael Haussman (who also directed the video's for Paula Abdul's "My Love Is For Real" and Madonna's "Take A Bow")! Totally worthy on this spot on my blog.
In addition, I'd like to add that I've never known a singer or celebrity who treats their fans with as much dignity, respect and love than Martika does via her Facebook and Twitter accounts (@MartikaTunes, Get into it!) It's uncanny how often she sends replies of thanks and personal notes to individual fans (not just general updates). My heart flutters a bit every time I see a new Twitter message from her, and I just remember being 15 years old, telling my best friend that one day I would be a famous singer and I'd track down Martika to do a duet with me on my second album (I don't know why it wasn't the first album) and I'd bring her back into the spotlight and she'd have to record a third album! Man, I was a strange kid!
Well, part of my dream is coming true!
Sooo ecstatic that you're back Martika! Much Love, Toy Soldier Forever!
Y'know what! Screw it, let's add the "Water" video too. YYYAAAYYY!!!!
Friday, 10 August 2012
Liven It Up!: The Bangles - Manic Monday (Acoustic)
Tomorrow's the day! I'm going to see The Bangles and The B-52's live at Casino Rama and I could not be more excited. I've seen The B-52's once before when they joined Cyndi Lauper on her second annual True Colors tour after the release of their album "Funplex" (2008). However, I have yet to see The Bangles live and I have been a big fan of them for a long time. The girls are currently touring in support of their latest album "Sweetheart Of The Sun" (2011) and have gone from being a quartet to a trio since the departure of bass player Michael Steele, but I'm sure the remaining original members, Vicki Peterson, Debbi Peterson, and Susanna Hoffs will put on one hell of a show.
Is this version of "Manic Monday" not to die for???? Not sure of the year this was recorded, but it was most likely around 2003 during the promotion of their comeback album "Doll Revolution".
Sunday, 5 August 2012
What's On!: RuPaul's Drag Race All-Stars (Coming Soon)
Seriously, I'm going to bed in two minutes, but I'm just so excited about this! I love RuPaul's Drag Race and this Fall, 12 (well 11) of my favorite competitors from the past 4 seasons are returning to fight once more for the title of America's next Drag Superstar. I say 11 because I cannot stand Mimi Imfurst. She's a loudmouth annoying queen who never knows when to shut up.
My top six by looking at the cast (judging solely on the performances they gave during their respective seasons) would be Yara Sofia (Echa Palante), Chad Michaels(Professional), Nina Flowers (Ay Loca), Latrice "Muthafuckin'" Royale, Manila Luzon (...The House Down) and Raven (aka the eloquent trucker). I can't wait to see what they all get up to though. To have Pandora Boxx, Alexis Mateo and Tammie Brown in the same room is funny enough.
Like I said, it's an amazing cast and there's only one that I don't like. I bet they'll have a 13th girl join the cast as a surprise contestant a la Shangela in the 3rd season. I think it should be Delta Work, Mariah, Ongina, or Victoria "Porkchop" Parker.
Turn It Up!: Cyndi Lauper - True Colors (Live 2004)
There's so many things I want to say about this song, and this performance/tour in particular, and it's all filling my head at once so it may come out all wrong, but this may have been the single most amazing and moving tour of any artist that I've ever been to (and you can be assured that I've been to a hell of a lot of concerts in my time). For me it's right up there with seeing Bette Midler in concert (which still holds it's place at number 1 in my books).
The "At Last" Tour was probably the first time that I stopped seeing Cyndi as just a fun, quirky pop act with a loud voice, and really began to see her as a fully formed artist and musical entity. Yes, it had it's usual upbeat flavor where she sang loud and free and knocked us all over with the power of her voice and danced her way into the audience, but there were also quieter moments that really shone brightly and revealed the tender and fragile side of her voice which almost had me in tears on more than one occasion.
I saw this tour when it came to Massey Hall in Toronto. I was 22 and really just becoming comfortable with my sexuality (I had only started coming out to my friends and family 2 years before that) and when she sang this version of True Colors and stopped with her fist held high in the air after belting "Don't be Afraid", something just clicked in me and tears filled my eyes and I felt like I would be okay. It sounds strange and cliche but I swear to God it's true, I felt like part of my mind or my shame was turned off in that instant and everyone in that theatre was on the same page.
So, needless to say, to have a DVD reminder of that moment in my life is indeed a beautiful thing. I still get chills and a little choked up when that moment arrives. So I want to say a great big Thank You to Cyndi Lauper for helping me reach that realisation that who I am is not shameful, because I can live and love beautifully regardless of what people think or how I was raised to think.
If I can relay that message onto others that may be dealing with personal struggles, or coming out, or have come out and feel that the gay community is quite generalising and has no space for you, or whatever it may be, that there is a place on the board for a rare jig-saw puzzle piece like you, then I think I've done a good job with this silly little blog.
Be Well (and listen to some Cyndi Lauper)!!!!
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Turn It Up!: Jennifer Love Hewitt - How Do I Deal (Music Video)
I wanted to post this video really quickly before I go to bed. My friend Jordanna is going through a tough time at the moment, and I wanted to post something that would maybe cheer her up some (or at least let her know that I'm thinking of her).
She's the only one that I've come across that enjoys Jennifer Love Hewitt's music as much as I do, and so I thought this was appropriate. Plus, she's probably asking herself "How Do I Deal"?. You deal by being sad, getting angry, having your broken heart and then realizing that life doesn't end there. The greatness is still on the horizon.
Be well Sweetie, and Enjoy!
Friday, 3 August 2012
Turn It Up!: Candi - Dancing Under A Latin Moon (Music Video)
This post started off as something different. I was originally adding Candi's video for her first single "Under Your Spell", but then (mid-typing) I got a tweet from my pal Joe (leader of the Toy Soldier Army) with a video attached of "Dancing Under A Latin Moon" and I thought, "What impecable timing!"
So, a change has come.
Now, the reason I was adding a video by Candi in the first place is because, she was my first ever concert. I count Paula Abdul as my first show, because the tickets for Candi were free, but officially... Candi was it! All I remember is I must have been 8 or 9 years old, and my Mom took my older brother and I to see her at a small theatre in the round concert hall (which I don't think exists anymore) at Ontario Place in Toronto. I was very excited and I also remember the seats were a bleacher seating type set up and you looked down onto the circular stage floor and periodically Candi would run around the entire parameter of the floor slapping the fans hands as she passed.
For those of you who aren't familiar, Candi was a Juno nominated Canadian Pop Act back in the late 80's/early 90's who took their name from the lead singer, Candita Pennella's, nickname. For their second album, they chose to go by the name "Candi and The Backbeat" to differentiate the band from they're lead singer. The group had a few mildly successful singles, like "Under Your Spell", "Love Makes No Promises", "The World Just Keeps On Turning", "Good Together" and "Dancing Under A Latin Moon" (seen above).
The group disbanded after touring for their second album and according to Wikipedia, lead singer Candi Pennella is now a teacher in the Toronto area. Would be so awesome to have her as a teacher.
Dedicated to Joe Valenzuela!
Picture This: Wilson Phillips Autograph + Concert Review
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Wendy Wilson, Carnie Wilson, & Chynna Phillips |
It's taken me forever to write this post. On July 14th, my boyfriend Chris and I went to see Wilson Phillips in concert at Casino Rama, and it was pretty much everything I had waited 20 some odd years for.
As we got to the venue, we tried to go to our seats as soon as possible, 1, So I could immerse myself in the excitement, and 2, because Chris had stubbed his toe earlier in the day and every step he took was agony lol. We were seated not far from a woman in her late 40's (blonde hair, crispy bangs, the works) who, compared to her unenthusiastic companion, looked as though she was going to shit herself with excitement.
As the clock struck 9:00, the lights went down, the members of the band walked on stage and took their places, and from off stage, the acapella 3 part harmony of the intro to the song "Release Me" ("I know that it's time for a change, but when that change comes will you still feel the same?") permeated the air and on walked Chynna Phillips (in an understated grey tube dress, blonde hair snatched back into a tight ponytail) Carnie Wilson (in a beautiful form fitting fuschia dress and new Cleopatra style bob haircut) and Wendy Wilson (in a slender deep purple dress, with her gorgeous brunette locks flowing freely).
After hitting every little nuance in "Release Me" (I swear, I nearly died, it was so fucking good), the girls took a moment to introduce themselves and thank the audience for coming and explained that they almost didn't make it to the show because their flight from New York had been cancelled last minute. They then performed the opening track from their second album "Shadows & Light", "It's Only Life" which I did not expect to hear but was a very welcome surprise.
The 3 girls continuously joked and played with the audience throughout the show, playing a great mixture of their original material from the 90's and their latest cover material from their albums "California" and "Dedicated", doing impressions, inviting audience members up on stage to dance during a medley of the ABBA songs "Dancing Queen" and "Does Your Mama Know", and Carnie at one point even hiked up her skirt to show the audience her spanx lol.
The setlist for the show was,
1) Release Me
2) It's Only Life
3) Daniel (Elton John cover)
4) California Dreamin'
5) God Only Knows
6) Wouldn't It Be Nice
7) You Won't See Me Cry (absolutely beautiful job on this song)
8) Already Gone
9) You're In Love
10) Dedicated To The One I Love
11) Dancing Queen/Does Your Mama Know (Medley)
12) Impulsive
13) In My Room
14) Hold On
The picture above is indeed an autographed picture, but sadly I did not meet the 3 women. It was onsale and I purchased it, but it is a real autograph (not a xerox). I look forward to seeing them in concert again some day and maybe having the honor of meeting them next time. Great Show!
Three Part Harmony, One Part Ah-Mah-Zing!!!!!!
Turn It Up: Mariah Carey - Triumphant (Get Em) Feat. Rick Ross & Meek Mill (Audio only)
I put this under the "Turn It Up" header, but I really wanted to put it under "Turn It Down"!
I have to say, I have been a Mariah Carey fan since the very beginning, but this is by far the worst lead single she has ever released ever (and that's including "Loverboy" from the Glitter Soundtrack)!!!
Firstly, she barely sings anything in the song other than the chorus's and the bridge, choosing instead to have Rick Ross and Meek Mill rap during the verses. Ummm...this is meant to be Mariah FEATURING Rick Ross and Meek Mill, not the other way around. How the hell did you become a guest star in your own single Mariah???? Seriously, get off your Lazy Diva Ass and sing your own songs.
Secondly, I've never been a fan of what I like to call "Ghetto Mariah". I appreciate having hip hop artists make cameo's in your songs, sometimes it works (Jay-Z on "Heartbreaker" etc.), but she has to realize that most of the time, those songs don't sell as well for her as Balladeer/Pop/R&B Mariah does! Tommy Mattola may have been an asshole, but he knew your niche.
Thirdly, though she doesn't sing a lot on the song, when she does she sounds squeeky and annoying and the melody just blends into the wallpaper. Nothing new, exciting or fresh about this song. I hope that this was just a mistake in judgement and there will be plenty of goodies on her album to come.
Mimi got busted!
Turn It Up!: No Doubt - Settle Down (Music Video)
It seems that some people are a bit up in arms about the new No Doubt single, I have to say I have no idea why. I personally think it's an incredible song, and a fantastic one to return with. Their Rock/Pop/Ska/Reggae style a la "Rock Steady" is still present and they're still fun and flashy with the video's!
A hot summer treat for all. Could definitely see myself dancing around to this one on a daily basis. I can't wait to hear the album and I hope I get to see them on tour again. How is it possible that they all pretty much look the same as they did back in the day (except Adrian, the drummer, who has finally put some clothes on).
Turn It Up!: Alanis Morissette - Guardian (Music Video)
Okay guys, I know I've already added the lyric video for Guardian, but now that we have the official video for the song, I just have to add it. I mean... She Has Wings For God's Sake! Reason enough really.
Still love the song, I'm just eager to hear the rest of the new album. From reviews that I've read (some good, some bad) it sounds like this album will be more like her album "So-Called Chaos" than anything else. Another happy album, perish the thought!
Hope you enjoy the video.
PS. Gotta say, one negative about Alanis is that her guitar playing is bullshit lol, she always just looks like she's miming it. Get back to the tuneless harmonica girl!
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Turn It Up!: Wilson Phillips - Good Vibrations (Music Video) + The Making Of Dedicated
Going to see Wilson Phillips tonight, so I'm quickly adding the video for their cover version of The Beach Boys "Good Vibrations" (Acapella, Three Part Harmony, Gorgeous) as well as the EPK video for the record company promotion of their new tribute album "Dedicated"!
Gonna have so much fun tonight! See you all tomorrow! Maybe I'll be able to get some pics. Fingers Crossed!
Friday, 13 July 2012
Liven It Up!: Tina Turner - Goldeneye (Wildest Dreams Tour 1996)
Take a hit of Tina with your morning coffee! Woke up with this on the radio this morning and I thought, "Ooooooh, what a good one for the blog!" Probably my favorite "Bond" song and, really, who doesn't love Tina???? Just look at those legs! This tour was the first time I saw Tina live and I was, and still am, blown away!
Have a great morning y'all. Heading off to work.
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Turn It Up!: The Corrs - Runaway (Music Video)
I was extremely enamoured with The Corrs when I was in High School. I mean, not only was I in love with their beautiful music and great harmonies, but is it possible to find a prettier group of siblings with such talent? I don't think so!
Jim, Caroline, Sharon, and Andrea Corr have not recorded a group album since their 2005 album "Home" as they have all been focused on raising their families, but both Sharon and Andrea (who were undoubtedly the most popular of the group) have released mildly successful solo albums during their hiatus.
I hope we'll see them back as a group sometime soon.
Turn It Up!: John Mayer - Shadow Days (Music Video)
Good Morning! I'm starting today off with a song about acceptance of self. We all have past moments that we feel like we regret or that make us question the kind of people we are, but there comes a day when we come to accept that the past doesn't define us as long as we learn and grow from it. Eventually they're all just Shadow Days and John sings about this idea so beautifully.
I love the fact that John has made blues rock mainstream in the great tradition of Jonny Lang and BB King (among many others). I'm saddened that he won't be touring with his new country flavored album "Born And Raised" due to a throat condition that he needs surgery for, because watching him play, not just hearing him sing, but watching him play live is a phenomenal event. His guitar skills are sickening!
I'm just not sure about the long hair though. He looks a bit too much like Johnny Depp (not that that's a bad thing necessarily).
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Turn It Up!: Wilson Phillips - Release Me (Music Video)
I've already forewarned my boyfriend that when we see Wilson Phillips in concert this Saturday at Casino Rama, I will lose my shit when they sing this song. I may even cry (not for real, just fake tears to embarrass him further).
This is (without a doubt) my absolute favorite song by these girls. I mean, they don't have any bad songs, but this one is very special to me, because when I was a kid, my family and I used to go to Myrtle Beach for summer holidays and the year this song came out, I remember it being played on the radio what seemed like every hour, becoming the song of the summer. Now everytime I hear this song it reminds me of summer vacations with my family (which is odd because it's quite a melancholy song).
I guess it was the first song I had heard by them, and it was a great way to get hooked. After all these years, their continuous three part harmony from beginning to explosive end, still gives me chills. Stunning!
As I did when I was gearing up for Fiona Apple, I'll probably add a few more video's by Wilson Phillips before the show. Get ready!
PS. Every year when we would travel, there was a song that was constantly played on radio that my siblings and I loved, so I have an entire soundtrack for the summer months. It's mighty nice, and I will add more songs from said soundtrack in the following days and weeks.
What's on your summer soundtrack?!?!
Talk To Me!: Ellen Pompeo On Letterman (2008)
I'm a huge Grey's Anatomy fan and this is one of my favorite interview's with the show's star, Ellen Pompeo. She discusses searching for a house in New York, her early days as a street smart kid in Boston, and of course Grey's!
Seriously, how cute is she?
Turn It Up!: Paul Oakenfold - Faster Kill Pussycat Feat. Brittany Murphy (Music Video)
I've been dying to listen to this song all day, so why not add it? I wish that Brittany Murphy had had the chance to record a full album during her short lifetime. I thought she was such a fantastic actress (well, depending on the movie) and I was happy to hear her sing a tune whenever she was given the opportunity.
The strange thing about Brittany as an actress, was that I always found her the most convincing when she was playing mental patients (ie. Girl Interrupted, Don't Say A Word), and I was surprised that she wasn't a bigger star sooner in her career, because you can pretty much watch any sitcom from the 90's and chances are she guest starred in an episode of it. I thought after her role in Clueless she would have become a household name, guess not.
So anyway, here's a shoutout to the celestial heavens in honor of Brittany Murphy (1977 - 2009). Gone far too soon!
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Bonus Material: Adventures In Babysitting (Full Movie)
"Nobody Leaves This Place Without Singin' The Blues!"
This post is really just a fluke, I was only planning on adding the two musical numbers from this movie (the opening sequence where Elisabeth Shue dances around lipsynching to Then He Kissed Me by The Crystals, and when they sing The Babysitting Blues) because it was one of my top 5 fave movies as a kid and still remains one of my top 20 fave movies as an adult. Then I came across the entire movie and I thought... Why The Hell Not?!?! I think you all deserve a treat.
Certainly I don't expect everyone to take 2 hours out of their day to sit and watch this on my blog, but for those of you who ever have some time to spare and are looking for a really funny classic movie from the 80's, it's here if you want it.
Fun Fact: One of my first guy crushes was on Anthony Rapp in this movie (he plays Daryl Coopersmith), who went on to appear in "Dazed and Confused" and originate the role of Mark in the Broadway musical "Rent" and later star in the film version. I thought he was insanely cute. It was a tie between him and Judd Nelson as John Bender in The Breakfast Club. Hmmm, memories!
Starring: Elisabeth Shue (Chris Parker), Penelope Ann Miller (Brenda), Anthony Rapp (Daryl), Keith Coogan (Brad), Maia Brewton (Sarah), and a young Vincent D'Onofrio as Thor.
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